New Forest Coven
The New Forest Coven is a dedicated gathering of thirteen practitioners who uphold an Earth-centered tradition of Witchcraft. Our beliefs and practices are inherently Pagan in origin, and we identify ourselves as Hedgewitches—a reflection of our deep connection to Earth magick and the natural elements.
Our Philosophy
Unlike many other traditions, the New Forest Coven does not adhere to a structured hierarchy. We have no High Priests or Priestesses—only Hedgewitches, each an equal member and master of their own craft. Our coven functions as a collective, making decisions through mutual respect and shared wisdom under the guidance of our Grand Master.
Solemnity and sincerity are at the heart of our rituals, which are conducted by the entire coven. We walk the path of light and wisdom, ensuring that our practice remains deeply rooted in tradition while staying free from unnecessary dogma or theatrical ceremony.
The Origins of the Hedgewitch Tradition
The Hedgewitch tradition was established nearly eight decades ago by members of the Crotona Fellowship. Its founders believed that many existing Witchcraft traditions had strayed from their Earth-based and Nature-centered origins, evolving into eclectic systems that merged diverse beliefs, values, and practices.
In response, the Hedgewitch tradition was founded on simpler, more traditional principles—focused on nature, the elements, and personal mastery rather than rigid doctrine or hierarchical leadership. The desire was to return to the woods and sacred green places, practicing Witchcraft in its most authentic form.
From these humble beginnings, the Hedgewitch tradition has flourished, developing into a distinct and deeply respected path of Witchcraft.
Preserving Our Traditions
Remaining true to our founding principles, we are committed to preserving the integrity of our practices. Unlike more eclectic paths, we do not adopt external traditions or integrate outside influences that could dilute our distinct identity.
While this may appear insular, it is a conscious and necessary choice—one that allows us to remain grounded in the original essence of English Witchcraft.
Over the years, we have been approached by many seekers lost in the overwhelming maze of hybrid and eclectic Pagan traditions. Many find themselves searching for something pure and unaltered, something they cannot quite grasp amidst the diversity of modern Paganism. We believe this is why people are drawn to our simple yet deeply traditional ways.
Our Rituals and Gatherings
The New Forest Coven meets twice a month for formal rituals, aligning our spellwork with the New and Full Moons. These gatherings are our most sacred and spiritual moments, where we come together to cast spells and honor our craft.
Beyond these formal rituals, we also meet in smaller groups to perform spellwork on behalf of our loyal clients, ensuring that our skills and traditions continue to serve those in need.
The Hedgewitch tradition is one of wisdom, simplicity, and deep reverence for nature. While we remain true to our roots, we welcome those who sincerely seek the authentic practices of traditional English Witchcraft.